Well, lots really. But it’s a question we put to Canadians through our partnership with ContestCanada.net. We asked the simple question: What do you love most about Canada?

Freedom, decency, neighbourly kindness, humility, and tolerance were words often used. And of course, natural beauty.

We’re increasingly reflecting on what we are as a nation, and what we are not.

It’s an exciting time in which many of our long-entrenched consumer habits are being reevaluated. We’re talking about sourcing, supply chains, and where the profits of our purchases will end up. These are healthy areas to explore, and in the long run, our nation will be stronger for it.

We all have the ability to shape our future

We have something to cherish in our country, and despite all efforts at divisiveness, we’re coming together. It’s an exciting time to be Canadian!

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