We’re excited to work with Canadian brands and influencers. We recently teamed up with ContestCanada to launch a contest. The prize includes some of our apparel. The requirement for entering the contest was simple – speak up! Share what you love about Canada in a comment or on Instagram.

The hundreds of responses we’ve received already reaffirm how deeply we love our country, lifestyle and freedom. There are so many beautiful, heartwarming sentiments from every corner of our nation.

Our goal is to not only encourage Canadians to speak up, but to wear their Canadian pride every day. For decades we’ve walked around wearing logos from huge multinational fashion brands that see Canada as nothing more than a market for sales. Nike, Gap, Levi’s, Old Navy, American Apparel, Ralph Lauren, Under Armour – all headquartered in the US. Why are we wearing our neighbour’s clothes?

It’s our hope that the recent surge in Canadian loyalty ends the era of free advertising for American brands on the chests and sleeves of Canadians.

Buying that benefits Canadians

The push to “buy Canadian” is taking hold like never before. Retailers across all industries are responding to consumer demand by supporting Canadian businesses. We’re going one step further. We’re dedicating a portion of our profits to Canadian food banks. Let’s work together to lift up those Canadians that need our support.

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